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Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Pet Food Harvest

At Habitat Veterinary Hospital we are dedicated to helping you give the best possible care for your pets, while making the most educated decisions. One of the foundations of theses tools is your pets nutrition.
With all the exciting and fruitful Harvest Parties going on through October- we challenge you to include your pets. We dont mean that you should take your pup to the Farmers Market or your kitty to the neighbors Harvest Party, but include them in your thoughts of eating healthier and more whole.
 To help you with this challenge we are celebrating our own Food Harvest. 
We are offering discounts on Nutritional Consultations with the Veterinarians for  your pets- where we will discuss things ranging from allergies, eating properly for the breed, weight maintenance, and how to choose the best food. You'll even get a coupon for your first bag of food to get you started. 
Our friends at '4 Cats & Dogs 2' will be doing in-store demonstrations where you will learn about the benefits of raw food and how to feed raw, when you don't have time or space to feed raw. 
4 Cats & Dogs 2 will be at Habitat on October 7th from 9-12 and October 21st from 2-5